Saturday, July 12, 2014

IRS Releases Taxpayer Bill of Rights

The Internal Revenue Service announced in June the adoption of a Taxpayer Bill of Rights that will become a cornerstone document to provide the nation's taxpayers with a better understanding of their rights.  The Taxpayer Bill of Rights takes the multiple existing rights embedded in the tax code and groups them into ten broad categories, making them more visible and easier for taxpayers to find on  The rights are included in IRS Publication 1, "Your Rights as a Taxpayer," and information is also prominent on the IRS home page at  The ten provisions are as follows:


1.     The Right to Be Informed

2.     The Right to Quality Service

3.     The Right to Pay No More than the Correct Amount of Tax

4.     The Right to Challenge the IRS's Position and Be Heard

5.     The Right to Appeal an IRS Decision in an Independent Forum

6.     The Right to Finality

7.     The Right to Privacy

8.     The Right to Confidentiality

9.     The Right to Retain Representation

10.       The Right to a Fair and Just Tax System


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